Charleston, South Carolina
Low Country Mustang Club
Want to Become a LCMC Member
Membership: You must be at least 16 years old. We request that you become a member of the "Mustang Club of America"(MCA), but is not required. The spouse of any member is considered a member with the exception of voting privileges for officer elections. Only members current on dues have voting rights. Family members are always welcome at meeting and events. Dues: Membership dues are $20.00 a year payable on or before February 1st of each calendar year. New members are prorated. The money goes towards club events, running the website and car show expenses.
Join today and help preserve the Legend for tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!
February 2025 Meeting Minutes.
LCMC Monthly Meeting and Minutes
Our monthly meeting is held on the last Tuesday of the month at East Bay Deli, 4405 Dorchester Rd, Charleston, SC 29405 (no meeting in December). Meeting starts at 7:00pm but try to get there at 6:30 to have some dinner before the meeting. Hope to see you there!
LCMC Members Christmas/New Years Party January 4, 2025 at Moncks Corner Inn.
February 25, 2025
The meeting was called to order at 6:58 by President Duane Helzer. We had 24 members and 6 guests present.
Michelle Hatfield gave the Treasurer’s Report and we then presented the checks to our chosen Charities from our November Show.
Accepting their $1,000.00 check for "Abundantly More" was Peggy Williams, Sharon Poole and Kelly Carroll. This will help them provide care bundles for kids going into Foster Care or temporary shelter. They try to package appropriate clothes, bath items, a snuggle toy for the younger ones, gift cards and other daily necessities in a backpack. That gives them a good, loving start during a very trying time.
"Dorchester Paws" brought their own very large check which made a great photo op to receive their $1,000.00 which will help provide the shelter needs for all the animals in their care. Isabelle McGrath and Zoey Zautner acknowledged the good that will be accomplished with this donation and the gratitude of all the four legged critters in their care. It will also help them achieve their goal of building the new shelter to better care for everyone, four legged and two legged.
Ann Hamilton represented "Holy City Mission" and accepted their $1,000.00 to better serve the homeless and those in need in the LowCountry. They offer shelter, meals, clothing and other necessities every day.
Polish up those cars for our 2nd Poker Run/Thank You Sponsors tour. We will be giving each dealer their Sponsor’s Plaque. We will meet at East Bay Deli, Dorchester Rd on Saturday, March 8, at 11:30AM. For those who want to play, it is $5.00 per hand. It is not required that you play along, but it was so much fun last year!! We would just like a nice turn out so our Ford Sponsors know we truly appreciate their help. You will get registered and receive your 1st card at the Deli. We will then head to Jones Ford to present their plaque, then to Summerville Ford where the 2nd card will be dealt. Then it’s off cross country to Ravenel Ford for card #3. Last dealer stop is at Palmetto Ford for card #4. We will hop across the street to Bessinger’s for Card #5, a great meal, and awards. Registration cash will be distributed to Best Driver’s Hand, Best Passenger’s Hand, and last but not least, Worst Hand. Fill your tank and come join in the fun.
Frank Shorter again is asking for 5-6 cars to join him in the Charleston St. Patrick’s Day Parade. It is on St. Patty’s day this year, Monday March 17! Meeting place will be as usual, on Radcliffe St, by the corner grocery. Please plan to be in place by 9:00, as the parade steps off at 10:00. Just remember, decorations are great, but please no candy throwing.
The Ravenel Open Car/Truck/Bike Show is confirmed for April 26 at Ravenel Ford. Ren is getting flyers ready and we need to promote this show. We will also need help getting things set up and vehicles parked. Times for arrival will be posted soon. Duane is checking on a food truck and we have committed to donating to Mental Health Heroes this year. Our friends with the Eastern South Carolina Mustang Club will be holding their Annual MCA Regional Show on April 19, 2025. Florence is not that far away, and we like to help support our fellow SC clubs. They always put on a great show. Let’s get a group and head on up to collect some trophies! And help their good cause.
Nomination for 2025 Officers was opened.
President: Duane Helzer
Vice President: Ken Brinkman
Treasurer: Michelle Hatfield
Secretary: Linda Batdorff
MCA Rep: Rich Bible
There will be another opportunity to put your name in the running at our March meeting. Please think about doing something positive for YOUR club.
Melva requested a new order on Club T-shirts as we are out. Motion was made, seconded and approved to order 50 shirts, various sizes in our Sapphire Blue. We will have them for sale at the Ravenel Show.
LCMC Regional Ford/Mustang Show this Fal was discussed, getting a date picked is a bit tough this year. We are looking at possibly moving it to October 25, 2025. Bill will be checking on any possible conflicts for that date. We had conflicts on Nov 1 and Nov 8, and going any later into November could put us into bad weather. PLEASE take it upon yourself to be an asset and help in getting this Show together.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50.
Respectfully submitted - Linda Batdorff, Secretary